Why It Is Important For Your Kids To Use Them While Playing Sports

Why It Is Important For Your Kids To Use Them While Playing Sports

Why It Is Important For Your Kids To Use Them While Playing Sports

Why It Is Important For Your Kids To Use Them While Playing Sports

Why It Is Important For Your Kids To Use Them While Playing Sports

The Importance of Pediatric Mouthguards for Sports


Taking an active role in sports is an enjoyable part of childhood. While you might expect your child to come home with bumps and bruises from playing hard on the field, you likely don't expect them to return with serious injuries. However, in the U.S., between 13% and 39% of all dental injuries occur while playing a sport. In fact, more than 600,000 people go to the emergency room each year because of a sports-related dental injury. Utilizing mouthguards reduces your child's risk of serious dental injuries.

For Which Sports Should Your Children Wear Mouthguards?


All players of sports with a high risk of dental injury should wear a guard. If your children's school requires students wear a mouthguard to play, you will have to invest in one for your children to be allowed on the playing field. Games more likely to result in facial injuries include:

  • Soccer

  • Basketball

  • Football

  • Martial arts

  • Hockey

  • Gymnastics

  • Basketball

  • Skateboarding

Do not consider a mouthguard an optional piece of equipment when playing any high-risk sport.

What Dental Injuries Can Occur Due to Sports?


The most common oral injuries are soft tissue injuries, such as punctures and lacerations from your children's teeth. Additionally, these injuries might include muscle and tendon injuries that impact your kid's ability to move their jaw.

Tooth dislocations, displacements and fractures are painful and can permanently damage teeth. Children may require a root canal or extraction following teeth fractures.

What Types of Guards Can You Choose From?


There are three types of mouthguards to choose from. First is the stock mouthguard. You can purchase one in stores or online. It is an affordable option that comes ready to wear. Unfortunately, stock options do not fit children's mouths well.


Next is the boil and bite guard. Again, you can purchase one of these guards in drug stores or sporting goods stores. You soften the guard in boiling water and then insert it into your children's mouths to adjust to the custom shape.


Custom-fitted is by far the best-fitting option. Dentists examine your children's teeth and create a custom mouthguard that fits perfectly. Children are less likely to complain of discomfort when they have a custom mouthguard.


Protect Your Children With Pediatric Custom Mouthguards


At Pediatric Dental Group, we understand how important it is to protect the health and structure of your children's teeth. Children do not have to miss out on sports to protect their mouths. Instead, choose mouthguards to defend them against potential oral injuries. Contact us today to set up an examination!


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