What To Do In The Event Of A Dental Emergency

What To Do In The Event Of A Dental Emergency

What To Do In The Event Of A Dental Emergency

What To Do In The Event Of A Dental Emergency

What To Do In The Event Of A Dental Emergency

Children are bound to have accidents at some point or another. If your child has an accident resulting in a broken tooth, lost filling, or other dental emergencies, it's important to seek treatment right away to prevent further issues.

In addition to fixing broken or lost teeth and fillings, emergency dentists can also assist with abscesses, infections, and many other emergencies. If your child is having an issue with their teeth, you should keep these tips in mind before you seek medical help.

Stay Calm For Dental Emergencies 

Children can sense your emotions, and if you panic, they will do the same. You should keep a cool head when reacting to any emergency. Having a clear head will enable you to make rational decisions about the next steps to take.

Treat Pain First

Unless your child is experiencing a life-threatening emergency, the first thing you can do immediately to help your child is to treat their dental pain. You can apply ice to your child's face to help reduce swelling. If your child can tolerate over-the-counter medications, give them something that will help reduce swelling and treat surface pain while they wait for treatment.

Seek Immediate Attention 

Once you've treated your child's immediate pain, it's time to seek medical attention. Most emergency room waits are long, and you'll often find there isn't much they can do to treat dental emergencies. Instead, consider calling an emergency dentist for treatment, as this type of dentist is trained to handle these situations. The sooner you react, the higher the chances the dentist will be able to treat the issue. Don't forget to tell them if you've given your child any medications to treat the pain.

Remember, healthy teeth start with routine dental visits and regular screenings. Contact us to set up an appointment for your child today.

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