What Is Universal Children's Day?

What Is Universal Children's Day?

What Is Universal Children's Day?

What Is Universal Children's Day?

What Is Universal Children's Day?

Every year on November 20th, people around the world celebrate Universal Children's Day. The official holiday was established by the United Nations in 1954. The goal is to promote awareness of issues facing children around the world and work to improve their welfare.

How Did Universal Children's Day Begin?

In the United States, the idea of a holiday in honor of children dates back to at least the middle of the 19th century. A church pastor in Massachusetts dedicated a service to the children of his community in 1857 on the second Sunday of June. It became an annual tradition that eventually came to be known as Children's Day though it was originally referred to as Flower Sunday or Rose Day

There are a handful of countries around the world that celebrate a national holiday called Children's Day on various dates, including India, Russia, and South Africa. The first country to declare a national holiday for children was the Republic of Turkey, which established the date as April 23rd and first celebrated it in 1920. Nearly 35 years later, the United Nations established that November 20th would be known as Universal Children's Day around the world.

What Is the Declaration of the Rights of the Child?

The League of Nations was the forerunner of the United Nations established after World War I. In 1924, it adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child outlining the responsibilities that world governments owed to the children of their respective countries. Among the rights outlined in the declaration are protection against exploitation in any form and priority in relief efforts during times of distress. Under the declaration, children must be provided the tangible and nontangible means necessary for normal development. The declaration goes on to specify that some of the concrete necessities for children's development include adequate food and proper medical care.

The United Nations created its own extended form of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. In honor of Children's Day, it officially adopted the declaration on November 20th, 1959.

What Is the Purpose of Children's Day?

The purpose of Children's Day is to raise awareness of children around the world suffering from exploitation, discrimination, and abuse. It is also to honor children for who they are.

At Pediatric Dental Group, we honor the rights of children every day. We treat everyone who comes into our office with respect and consideration, and we take our responsibility to provide the care to help children develop normally very seriously. Contact us to schedule an appointment for your child.

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