What Is Giving Tuesday?

What Is Giving Tuesday?

What Is Giving Tuesday?

What Is Giving Tuesday?

What Is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday is an opportunity to embrace generosity and help those with less. As a holiday, it is celebrated by both individuals and organizations.

When Was Giving Tuesday Established?

The first Giving Tuesday was observed in 2012 by the United Nations Foundation and the 92nd Street Y in New York. Since then, major corporations have joined in:

  • PayPal

  • Facebook

  • Google

  • Mashable

What Is Giving Tuesday?

Much like Thanksgiving is a day of gratitude, Giving Tuesday is a time of generosity. Though individuals are encouraged to participate, the focus is on companies giving back to the communities that support them.

When Is It Observed?

Since Giving Tuesday is always on the same day of the week, the actual date varies each year. In 2021, this holiday falls on Nov. 30.

How Can You Celebrate It?

There are many ways to give, and all of them are encouraged. You're welcome to focus on neighbors in need, local organizations that support your community or national groups that assist individuals worldwide.


If you have the time, you can volunteer on Giving Tuesday. Many organizations need volunteers to run programs, and there is a range of fun ways to spend your time:

  • Work in a soup kitchen

  • Sort items at a food bank

  • Make blankets and clothes


Not everyone has time off on Giving Tuesday, but you can still participate through donations. Many organizations supporting those in need accept monetary contributions, or you can give clothing, unused hygiene products and canned food.

Generosity helps others, but it can also give us a sense of purpose. Seeing your community thrive is sure to bring a smile to your family's faces. To protect those smiles, you need a dedicated dentist. The Pediatric Dental Group helps kids keep their teeth healthy through cleaning and other services. For more information or to schedule an appointment for your child, give us a call at 808-593-8828 or contact us online.

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