What Is an Underbite and What Causes It?

What Is an Underbite and What Causes It?

What Is an Underbite and What Causes It?

What Is an Underbite and What Causes It?

What Is an Underbite and What Causes It?

Did you know the average person can smile up to 400 times in one day? Aside from making your child feel better, smiling also improves how others see them. Generally, the more confident a child is with their smile, the more they are likely to flash their teeth during the day. Unfortunately, an underbite is one of the things that can make them feel less confident about their pearly whites. Fortunately, you can take steps to fix this condition for your child.


What Does Underbite Mean?


An underbite means the bottom teeth stick past the top row. Clinically, it is known as a type of malocclusion, or tooth misalignment, which can cause pain and discomfort. This condition can range from mild to severe and affects 5% to 10% of people.


What Can Cause an Underbite?

Genetics is the primary cause of an underbite. This condition tends to run within families. However, certain childhood behaviors can also increase your child's chances of developing one. For example, thumb sucking, pushing on their teeth with their tongue, using pacifiers too long, and mouth breathing can all contribute to this development.


What Complications Does an Underbite Present?


The complications that come from one depend on its severity. Sometimes, they can cause jaw issues. For instance, chronic jaw pain is commonly associated with this condition. The jaw may also feel stuck, and popping sensations can come from opening and closing the mouth.


How Do Orthodontists Correct Underbite?


There are various ways to fix it which can include a variety of orthodontic appliances such as upper jaw expanders, face masks, chin caps, and braces. Treating this condition during childhood is best because children still have malleable jaws.


How Can You Fix Your Child's Underbite Today?

There's no reason your child needs to live with an underbite. This condition is treatable, and fixing it can help them feel more confident. Contact us for a consultation today. That's the first step towards improving their smile.

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