What Are Safe Toys and Gifts Month?

What Are Safe Toys and Gifts Month?

What Are Safe Toys and Gifts Month?

What Are Safe Toys and Gifts Month?

What Are Safe Toys and Gifts Month?

Toys and gifts for kids have changed throughout the centuries. From wooden blocks to electronic games, the differences are astounding. However, one of the most critical shifts in the production of toys is the establishment of safety standards. This massive change is acknowledged during Safe Toys and Gifts Month.

What Are Safe Toys and Gifts Month?

Safe Toys and Gifts Month starts on Dec. 1 of each year and ends on Dec. 31. Since Christmas falls in December and many parents buy gifts for their children, it's the perfect month to discuss this topic.

Why Is It Important to Make Sure Toys Are Safe?

While we hope that every toy is designed for child safety and inspected to identify any issues, sometimes items fall through the cracks. Before you give your children a toy, it is essential to review any warnings about choking or reports of faulty design.

Choking Hazards

Toys with small parts pose a choking hazard to young children who may put them in their mouths. To protect kids, items that contain small pieces now have a warning on the package and are marked as appropriate for children above a certain age.

Faulty Design

Some toys have faulty designs that allow them to break or be used in unintended ways. Unfortunately, these problems often go unnoticed until the items are in circulation. When manufacturers identify design flaws after launching a product, they have to issue a recall. So, before you buy a toy, do a quick check to see if there's a recall for it.

How Can You Observe This Holiday?

Since this holiday lasts an entire month, you have plenty of time to observe it. Here are a few ways you can participate in Safe Toys and Gifts Month.

Talk About Toy Safety

Talking about toy safety is free and easy to do. You can bring it up to friends with children or post about it on social media. If you want to go above and beyond, you can even share articles about the holiday or the history of toy safety standards.

Learn About the History of Toy Safety

Toys can be surprisingly dangerous:

  • Unsafe toys hurt over 40,000 kids in the U.K. each year

  • Three kids died playing lawn darts in the 1980s

  • Unsafe toys were responsible for 250,000 ER visits in 2010

Today, stricter toy standards aim to reduce these injuries.

The Pediatric Dental Group is dedicated to helping kids keep their teeth healthy. To learn more or schedule an appointment, give us a call at 808-245-2131 for our Lihue location or 808-593-8828 for our Honolulu location. You can also contact us online.

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