Time to Fire up the Console for National Video Game Day

Time to Fire up the Console for National Video Game Day

Time to Fire up the Console for National Video Game Day

Time to Fire up the Console for National Video Game Day

Time to Fire up the Console for National Video Game Day

If you are like most families, gaming is a big part of your life. On July 8, we celebrate the impact games have had on our lives with National Video Game Day.

How Video Games Shaped Our Lives

Video games have become one of the biggest global hobbies over the last several decades. Did you know that the earliest video games were introduced in the 1950s? They were virtual examples of games like tic-tac-toe. Then, in 1967, Ralph Baer created the Brown Box, which later inspired Atari.

In the 1980s, Nintendo ushered in a new era of gaming that never stopped. The 80s brought us the Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros. Nowadays, we have the latest PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo generations. National Video Game Day brings families and friends together to celebrate their love of all things gaming.

How People Celebrate National Game Day

The main goal for National Video Game Day is to have a good time. Game developers and gamers alike prep to celebrate with their favorite gaming content. Throughout the world, conventions, gaming marathons, competitions and contests occur.

Twitch and YouTube are great places to introduce people to your favorite new and classic games. If you would rather watch, famous streamers also take advantage of releasing new content on National Video Game Day.

Maybe you want to unwind a little more, pick up your controller and revisit your old childhood favorites, Zelda, Super Mario, or Sonic the Hedgehog. Other celebrations include:

  • Hit up one of the local Honolulu arcades

  • Stage a gaming marathon with your friends and family

  • Dress up as your favorite video game characters with the family

As a parent, National Video Game Day is one of the best holidays to spend having fun with your kids. To ensure that they stay healthy and happy, make sure to set up an exam with a dentist at the Pediatric Dental Group to keep their mouths free of cavities while they play their favorite games.

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