Experience the Outdoors on National Hike Day and National Camp Day

Experience the Outdoors on National Hike Day and National Camp Day

Experience the Outdoors on National Hike Day and National Camp Day

Experience the Outdoors on National Hike Day and National Camp Day

Experience the Outdoors on National Hike Day and National Camp Day

Two events that go together perfectly are National Take a Hike Day and National Camp Day. Happening just two days apart from each other, they make for a great opportunity to spend some time appreciating the great outdoors with your family. Here are some ideas on how to get started hiking & camping with your children to foster a love for nature and all things outdoors-related.

National Take a Hike Day

November 17th is National Take a Hike Day. This day is centered around hiking, but it also celebrates outdoor activities of all kinds. A gentle hike can be a fun bonding activity to do with your kids. It is a great way to start cultivating a lifelong love for the outdoors. Hiking is one of the easiest outdoor recreation activities to participate in. There is hardly any equipment needed other than a good pair of shoes and a water bottle.

For young children, starting with something relatively short and simple is a good way to get their feet wet in what might be brand new activity. As your kids get older, going on some more challenging hikes can be a good way to continue spending time together and stay active as a family.

National Camp Day

Shortly after Take a Hike Day is National Camp Day on November 19th. Camping with your children is a classic way to make memories with them that will last for years to come. Pack up a tent or break out the camper and hit the road to discover beautiful natural areas and take a break from screens and the internet. You can use camping as a perfect opportunity to grow closer as a family, tell stories, and play games together.

If camping is something you have not done often, there may be options for you to rent gear or borrow some from a friend to get a feel for it and see if it is something you enjoy before purchasing equipment of your own. Start with a one or two-night trip and don't forget to pack the materials to make hotdogs and s'mores over the campfire.

Hiking & Camping with Your Family

National Take a Hike Day and Nation Camp Day are perfectly suited to happen right next to each other. If you feel like making a weekend trip out of these two nationally recognized days, you could plan a camping trip that involves going on a few hikes to celebrate. Getting outside and moving around can be great for your health. To help keep you focused on having fun and staying active together, we at Pediatric Dental Group want to protect your child's smile through quality dental care. Visit our website and fill out the contact form to get in touch with us.

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