Celebrate Sesame Street Day on November 10th

Celebrate Sesame Street Day on November 10th

Celebrate Sesame Street Day on November 10th

Celebrate Sesame Street Day on November 10th

Celebrate Sesame Street Day on November 10th

On November 10th, viewers across the world will celebrate Sesame Street Day, a holiday designed to celebrate the classic children’s TV show and its powerful legacy and ongoing impact. From its humble conception in 1969 as a show that would be based on the best child development practices, Sesame Street became a nearly instant phenomenon, breaking records in family-friendly children's TV programming. Across the world, children and adults alike enjoy the cheerful and colorful characters that have become ubiquitous with taking a stroll down Sesame Street, including Big Bird, Elmo, Bert, and Ernie.

Groundbreaking Work

Driven by the recommendations of child psychologists and education specialists, the format of Sesame Street was a groundbreaking one. Different segments based on the early-child curriculum allowed kids to receive not only traditional education but work on improving mental and physical health, as well, with the help of loveable puppets designed by The Jim Henson Company. The creators of Sesame Street wanted to teach children not only the ABCs and numbers but social skills such as resolving conflict and managing emotions. It achieved this by communicating with children on their level using fun songs, engaging puppets, and authentic feeling interactions.

Making Hard Things Accessible to Kids

Through the years, Sesame Street has continued to tackle difficult topics in manageable ways for children. When national and international events that might impact the lives of children have occurred, Sesame Street has worked to make complex topics understandable for children so that they can work through stress and fear more effectively and practice healthy mental habits. For its efforts, Sesame Street has been rewarded with a fandom that is spread throughout the world.

Sesame Street has brought smiles to millions of faces through the years. Make sure that your children’s smiles are as happy and healthy as they can be by practicing good dental hygiene and keeping regular appointments with your dentist. To schedule a checkup with a family dentist today, contact the helpful experts at Pediatric Dental Group today.

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