3 Ways to Indulge Your Sweet Tooth on National M&M Day

3 Ways to Indulge Your Sweet Tooth on National M&M Day

3 Ways to Indulge Your Sweet Tooth on National M&M Day

3 Ways to Indulge Your Sweet Tooth on National M&M Day

3 Ways to Indulge Your Sweet Tooth on National M&M Day

Pediatric dentists aren't generally in the business of recommending the consumption of sugary treats, but every once in a while comes an occasion that calls for a bit of indulgence. National M&M Day, which is celebrated on October 13th, is just such an event. Here are three ideas for celebrating the chocolatey goodness of this favorite sweet treat. Just make sure you brush afterward!

1. Pick Up a Favorite Pack

Celebrating this sweet day can be as simple as stopping by the store and stocking up on a pack (or two) of your favorite M&M variety. Whether your flavor of choice is plain chocolate, peanut, peanut butter, or even mint, don't forget to buy enough to share.

2. Create a Treat Featuring the Chocolate Favorite

Will you choose to make a cake, cookies, or brownies? No matter how you indulge on National M&M Day, it presents the perfect opportunity to cook up something really delicious and creative. 

3. Host an M&M-Themed Party

If you already have a delicious idea for the above celebration suggestion, why not turn it into a full-fledged party? Invite friends and family to create their own tasty morsels featuring M&Ms and then get together and share. Is there really any better excuse to celebrate than chocolate? 

Go ahead and satisfy chocolate cravings on National M&M Day. There is room for small indulgences in any healthy dental plan, but be sure to keep your family's teeth in tip-top shape with regular care and cleanings from the Pediatric Dental Group.

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